
Business Leaders, Community, and Civic Leaders attend Cancer Focus NI Therapeutic Support Centre Information Event

As developments for the new Cancer Focus NI Therapeutic Support Centre at 18 High Street, Enniskillen progresses, business leaders, community, and health professionals came together at Enniskillen Castle on the 4th September to hear first-hand about this exciting development, the charity’s community focused vision, and the need for services in the West.

In the morning, Cancer Focus NI’s Charity Patron, The Duke of Abercorn opened proceedings explaining the commitment of Cancer Focus NI to the people of Northern Ireland and the localised strategy for the charity which will bring additional services to communities across the province. Meanwhile, at the afternoon session, the Chair of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Cllr John McClaughry, welcomed the charity to the town and described the venture as a valuable resource for local residents.

Cancer Focus NI Chair, Boyd Carson delivered an insight into the work to date delivered by the charity in Fermanagh.  Most significantly, a retail shop with an onsite counselling room has opened, appointments of a Health Improvement Officer, and Fundraising Officer have been made, development of key partnerships including the Palliative Transport Service have been established, as well as the appointment of a local architect and contractor for the design and build of the Therapeutic Support Centre.

Richard Spratt, Chief Executive at Cancer Focus NI, continued the presentation sharing the rationale behind the decision to have the first Centre in Enniskillen.

“Every day in the Western Trust, another 6 people are told “You have cancer”. This is one of the most devastating moments anyone can experience, either for themselves or for someone they love. I am proud to lead, with the support of our charity’s passionate Board and staff, on an ambitious plan to bring cancer support services to the high street of Enniskillen. This is a new and innovative approach to supporting those living with cancer in Fermanagh.

Our ambitions and vision build on the foundations and support we have been providing here for many years. Our counsellor, Helen Murphy has been employed and working in the area since 2007 and Fiona McGlue on health improvement initiatives since 2013. More recently within the last 3 years we have added 3 further staff all based locally. Our fundraising support group are immensely passionate about our charity and includes several individuals who have had their own cancer journey”.

He continued “The centre will complement the good work happening through other local charities including SWELL, Palliative Transport Service, and Cancer Connect NI. Provision will be enhanced through additional new services”.

Noelle McAloon BID Manager attended the event, delighted to see this new service on the high street, commented, “the scoping exercise undertaken by Cancer Focus NI to support the decision to bring this Centre to Enniskillen highlights the stark reality that the Fermanagh area is the most under provided for region in Northern Ireland in terms of third sector cancer care and support.  It is particularly important that our high street welcomes this service and that the businesses support the centre, it will be an invaluable asset to Fermanagh and the South West”.

Also in attendance, Joe Mahon, Mahon’s Hotel said “To have a service of this kind on our doorstep is particularly invaluable. We are seeing our services being depleted on a weekly basis, trips to Altnagelvin or Belfast are commonplace for people diagnosed with cancer. We know that every family in Fermanagh has a cancer story, to see a centre of this kind opening in our county, it can only be for the good.  The charity have £150,000 to raise over the coming months to support the opening of the new centre, it would good to see the business community come together to help make this happen”.

Niall Smyth, Smyth Leslie & Co remarked, “Having a therapeutic service centre of this nature in the centre of Enniskillen is hugely significant, its location will offer those with a diagnosis and their family a more convenient place to access facilities that can often be located across a number of different sites. It is clear, that the thoughtful design promotes a less clinical and much softer environment for service users.  We are delighted to see this initiative opening on the high street.  We have been so inspired having attended this event; we are already making plans to host a fundraiser to support the new centre”.

Proceedings concluded with video endorsements from Premier League Manager Kieran McKenna and actor/writer Ciaran McMenamin. Both were highly enthusiastic to see this service coming to Fermanagh, providing words of encouragement to support the service in kind or financially.

For more information about supporting this project’s immediate and ongoing donation needs, contact Maeve Colgan, Director of Fundraising and Communications,

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