Gillian shares her experience of Family Support Service
“When my husband passed away”, recounted Gillian, “I remember telling Isabella, and can still hear her screams as I told her that she wouldn’t see him again. She knew her daddy wasn’t well but then suddenly he wasn’t there one day, and she didn’t know why he had gone so quickly”.

Isabella, 11, who sadly lost her dad to cancer at just 4 years old
Peter’s nurse at the Cancer Center referred Gillian and Isabella to Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, where they were contacted by Cherith, a Family Support worker, just a few weeks after Peter died.
Gillian said, “We hadn’t received any emotional support while Peter was ill, so the guidance offered by Cherith in those early days after Peter passed away, was invaluable to both of us, especially Isabella.
“The Family Support service provided a listening ear for Isabella, and a safe space for her to talk about her daddy. Isabella received expert support and was helped to create memory boxes, as well as other things, as a way to remember her dad.
Over time, Isabella moved on from her one-to-one sessions with the family and began to participate with the Family Support Service’s group activity. Each month, over pizza, the charity brings together families in similar situations to interact, receive support and participate in activities such as arts and crafts. This way, children can see that they are not alone, and this is all made possible because of donations like yours.
Isabella added, “I like to focus on my art at the Family Support nights. I like chatting with other kids although I never really talk about my daddy to anyone. If I’m feeling sad, and thinking about him a lot, then everybody knows because I’m wearing his jumper; I have it hanging up in my cupboard at home.”
While Peter has not been there for many of Isabella’s first, the family are so thankful that our charity has been available during this time to help support them through many milestones. Peter is not forgotten, and our Family Support team are there for Isabella and Gillian to reach out to when they need just that extra bit of advice, guidance or encouragement.
“No family should have to live with cancer without having access to expert support. We have both benefitted so much from this wonderful local service and hope that more families in need can avail of Family Support during their cancer journey.”.