Art Therapy

Need help with your cancer journey?

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, they may experience feelings of shock, anger, or confusion. Even the most supportive family members, friends, or employers cannot understand exactly how it feels to go through a cancer journey.


Art Therapy is one way for individuals to express their emotions when words fail them.

Click here to make a referral

What to expect?

With no experience or skill in art needed, our qualified art therapist will discuss your individual needs and advise on the right support.

Support provided:
• Expressing emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, and depression when words fail

• Art Therapy, Art Journalling and Share a Skill services

• One-to-one and Small group sessions

• Face-to-face and online appointments

• Opportunity to make friends


“After such a tough time, it was so relaxing to lose myself in the art. I’ve found it a real comfort and loved the company. The therapy has provided me with the opportunities to meet other local people who have been affected by cancer.”


Past Participant

About the service

The service is for adults and children impacted by cancer.


This service is delivered from our charity’s Head Office in Belfast and the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children. It is run by an experienced Art Therapist who engages with Cancer Focus NI’s wider therapeutic teams to respond to the individual needs of local people.


Information on Art Therapy Programmes:

  • One to One Sessions

    These are private sessions between you and the Art Therapist that typically last for one hour. The number of sessions will be agreed with you based on your needs. You may want to work on specific goals, objectives, and personal development. You may also have issues that you feel more comfortable talking about in a private one-to-one situation.

  • Art Journaling

    This activity enables you to use a mixture of art and writing to create and maintain a journal or diary of your experience on your cancer journey. This is a series of workshops which will give you the skills to continue your journal at home.

  • Children's Hospital Service

    Offers groups on Tuesday afternoons in the cancer ward at Royal Victoria Hospital for Young Children. Also, those in isolation can be seen at their bedside.

  • Share a Skill

    This group is an open drop-in service that gives you the opportunity to decide whether or not to attend if your energy levels are fluctuating as a result of treatment. Friends, family, carers, and cancer health care professionals are also welcome.

Click here to make a referral


Click here to download our services leaflets and flyers

About the service

This service is available to cancer patients or those impacted by cancer.

Click the link below to refer, e-mail or call 028 9066 3281.

Click here to make a referral


It is thanks to generous donations that we can continue to deliver vital complimentary cancer support services to thousands of people and families each year.


We keep all donations local and invest 82pence in every £1 directly towards the delivery of our services.