A 5 Year Strategy: 2023-2027

“Every day in Northern Ireland, another 37 people are told “You have cancer”. This is one of the most devastating moments anyone can experience, either for themselves or for someone they love. However, it does not have to be a lonely journey.
I am delighted to lead, with the support of the charity’s passionate Board and staff, on an ambitious five-year strategy. Our aim is to embed Cancer Focus Northern Ireland’s services into communities across Northern Ireland as we seek to meet the needs of local cancer patients in the towns and cities where they live.”
Richard Spratt, Chief Executive
Supporting local people on their cancer journey; we will work to reduce the risk, impact, and outcomes of all cancers.
We want people to live their most fulfilled lives with access to world-leading, equitable cancer support, treatment, diagnosis, prevention, and research.
In the next five to seven years, we will open five Cancer Focus Northern Ireland Therapeutic Support Centres in towns and cities across Northern Ireland.

What is a Cancer Focus NI Therapeutic Cancer Support Centre?
At its core, our charity’s future strategy is to create spaces and environments that radiate a sense of sanctuary and welcome.
The look and feel of our Centres will be crucial to how patients and service users will interact with them. They will be thoughtfully and carefully designed to ensure that visitors experience a sense of being apart from the clinical environment of a hospital, or the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is important to us that they are close to, but separate from, the places of diagnosis and treatment.
Services at a Cancer Support Centre may include:
• Cancer Information Nurse
• Counselling
• Art Therapy
• Volunteer Driving
• Bra & Swimwear Fitting
• Health Improvement
• Family Support
• Policy and Fundraising
• Patient Engagement
• Group Therapy

“Luckily, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland arrived in my life at the right time. Thanks to Helen, the most wonderful counsellor, I began to develop the skills needed to control and understand my thoughts and feelings during my cancer journey.
This is why I am delighted to learn that Cancer Focus NI’s first Cancer Support Centre will open in my hometown of Enniskillen. To know that people living with cancer and their families will have a sanctuary to visit during the worst time of their lives is simply wonderful.”
Denise, Cancer Focus NI client
How we’ll achieve our mission
To Be Your Local Cancer Voice
Be an effective advocate, operating in local communities and speaking up for all people with cancer in Northern Ireland.
To Prioritise Healthy Living
Increase public awareness of how to reduce the risk of cancer and promote healthier living.
To Champion Local Research
Fund world-class, innovative cancer research.
To Sustain Our Impact
Grow local support for our work and services.

If you would like to make a donation to help us deliver our new Cancer Support Centre in Enniskillen, please speak to, Maeve Colgan, our Director of Fundraising & Communications.
Your donation matters to us and will enable us to provide enhanced services and facilities for local people and families living with cancer.