
Cancer Focus NI responds to NI consultation on Safe and Effective Staffing Legislation

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland has submitted a response to the NI consultation on safe and effective staffing legislation. The consultation seeks views on whether the Department of Health should be legally required to apply evidence-based strategic workforce planning, to use a common staffing methodology and tool, and to review training place commissioning, among other workforce planning inquiries.

“The delivery of our health services is dependent on our health workforce,” explains Emily Bishko, Policy & Public Affairs Officer at Cancer Focus Northern Ireland. “If we are to achieve patient outcomes and safety, we need to have not only the right number of staff, but also the right mix of staff, so staff with the relevant skills, experience, and knowledge can be at the right place at the right time. We are glad to see the Department of Health consulting on how they can improve performance on this foundational objective. We welcome the idea of creating legal requirements around evidence-based, strategic, and operational workforce planning, which we hope will increase transparency, accountability, and delivery relating to safe and effective staffing.”

“However, we are conscious that legislation will not make a difference unless implemented, and that legislation alone cannot bring about safe staffing,” continues Emily. “We are in a perilous situation with our workforce, with too many current and projected future gaps already identified, and more likely to come. We appreciate this consultation but urge follow-through if we are going to see a difference in our health service. This is critical not only to patients, but also to our health staff and to the service’s financial sustainability.”

Read the consultation response from Cancer Focus NI here.


Further reading:

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