Cancer Focus NI responds to NI consultations on obesity management
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland has submitted a response to the consultations on obesity prevention and management, presented by the NI Department of Health. The consultations related to a strategic framework to prevent the harms caused by obesity and a regional obesity management service.
“Obesity can greatly increase your risks of cancer and other diseases,” comments Naomi Thompson, Health Improvement Manager at Cancer Focus NI. “If you are overweight or obese, you are at greater risks of colorectal, liver, pancreatic, breast, and other cancers. In fact, approximately 630 annual cancer cases in NI can be attributed to being overweight or obese.
“Having a healthy diet and regular physical activity are critical to reducing risks of obesity and related cancer. We are glad to see the Department of Health considering measures to promote a healthier Northern Ireland and to manage obesity. We strongly encourage the implementation of a regional service dedicated to obesity as well as a commitment to the Healthy Policies, Healthy Places, and Healthy People approach.”
Read the response from Cancer Focus NI to the strategic framework consultation here, and to the regional management service here. Learn more about healthy living habits here.