Cancer Focus NI’s Comment on the Draft Programme for Government 2024-2027
Responding to the draft Programme for Government for 2024-2027, published yesterday by the NI Executive, Richard Spratt, Chief Executive of Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, comments:
“We are glad to see the publication of a Programme for Government, and we are particularly encouraged to see ‘Cutting Health Waiting Times’ and the ‘Reform and Transformation of Public Services’ treated as the priorities they are. We hope this Programme will provide the direction needed to unlock meaningful change for cancer patients in Northern Ireland.
“In Northern Ireland, 38 people are told every day that they have cancer. Far too many of those people are told this after waiting far too long for their appointments and diagnoses. We are glad to see cancer waiting times called out as a specific priority for the Government, and that this priority will coincide with efforts to transform service delivery. We hope these dual objectives will see the Government address underlying issues and work toward a more financially sustainable health service, capable of meeting the demands of our aging population.”
“This PfG is only the first step. While we share the Executive’s concern around the challenging budgetary context, failing to act will only create more problems and more costs down the road. Over the next three years, we cannot lose the momentum this Programme promises.”
Highlights from the draft Programme relevant to cancer include:
- There are nine priorities, set against missions of “people, planet, and prosperity” and a cross-cutting commitment to “peace” (p. 10-12)
- The nine priorities include: “Cut Health Waiting Times” (#3) and “Reform and Transformation of Public Services” (#9) (p. 12)
- The “Waiting Times” priority includes a direct mention of cutting cancer waiting lists as well as a £76M investment approved for 25/26 into waiting lists; it does not include specific recommendations for how to reduce the waiting times, although it does acknowledge a multidisciplinary approach is required (p. 26-29)
- The PfG acknowledges funding challenges and that not everything will be able to get done, including reducing lengthy waiting times (p. 10, 28, 82-84)
- The “Reform and Transformation of Public Services” priority identifies health as a public resource under strain, acknowledges social care challenges related to the aging population, and recognizes the role of the community and voluntary sector as a government partner (p. 50-51)
- There will be a “reform and transformation unit” placed at the “heart of government”, including a Public Sector Transformation Board with a £235 million investment as a “Transformation Fund” (p. 9, 52-53)
- The Public Sector Transformation Board will be tasked with increasing financial sustainability of public services; transforming public service models of delivery; improving effectiveness and efficiency to meet demands; improving outcomes; and advancing prevention, cost savings, and early interventions (p. 53)
- The transformations will relate to service delivery, productivity and digital, and innovation and research, through a sustainability plan that implements “new approaches to planning, spending money more wisely, funding vital public services, and delivering stable and sustainable public finances” (p. 54)
Cancer Focus NI will be responding to the consultation on the draft Programme for Government (PfG) in support of the Waiting Times and Public Service Transformation priorities. Email policy@cancerfocusni.org to contribute to this response.
To learn more about waiting times in Northern Ireland, read Cancer Focus NI’s report, “Cancer Waits in 2023: A Year in Review.” To learn more about opportunities to improve cancer services in Northern Ireland, ready Cancer Focus NI’s priorities for Stormont and Westminster.
To get help with a cancer concern or for signposting to cancer support services, contact the Cancer Focus NI Nurseline online or at 0800 783 3339 (open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm).