Author archive: Cancer Focus Fundraising Events Team
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Michele warns of sunbed danger

Michele Slane (41) lives in west Belfast with husband Francis and her two children Neil (22) and Kirsty (10).  Michele was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2010 and now warns others of the dangers of sunbeds and not staying safe in the sun. She says: “From about the age of 17 until 30 I used sun...


Focus on workers’ sun safety

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency launched a new sun safety package for outdoor workers in April 2015. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in Northern Ireland, with around 3,550 cases every year. Farmers, builders, grounds staff and postal workers are jus...


Care in the sun with MediCare

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland teamed up with local MediCare pharmacies to highlight sun safety during Sun Awareness Week (4-10th May). Our Cancer Focus NI Keeping Well vans also visited the pharmacies offering free skin scanning, sun screen samples and advice on how to take care in the sun to staff...


Support access to drugs meetings

Cancer Focus NI is urging local people to attend their local public meeting to voice their opinions on how to improve access to specialist drugs. The DHSSPS has organised a series of meetings across Northern Ireland (details below) intended to provide an opportunity for public discussion of the rece...


Teen ‘proud to be a quitter’

Teenager Rachel Armstrong joined forces with Cancer Focus NI on No Smoking Day, March 11, to urge smokers to kick the habit. The 15-year-old, who started smoking when she was just 10, says she is proud to be a quitter. “I had a few older friends who smoked and that where I got my first cigarette. So...