Physical Activity



As parents we need to find a balance between screen time (TVs, computers, video games) and exercise. Physical activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle for us and our children.

Top tips to encourage exercise



Recommended (at least) 30 mins each day


Recommended 60 mins each

  • Don’t take the car. Walk to work, the shops or the children’s school.
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalators. It all adds up!
  • Make it social. Form a 5-a-side team with your mates, get the girls together for a jog or walk. Make your activity a regular social event and have fun.
  • Use the weekends to be active. Take the kids for a bike ride, walk in a forest park or go swimming. This is a great way for both you and your children to get some exercise.
  • Get the whole family to walk the dog every day. This is another way for all family members to get some physical activity, even the furry, four legged kind.
  • Encourage your child to join an after school club. Many schools offer a variety of after school activities such as football, swimming, hockey and netball, among others. Why not ask your child’s school about the clubs they offer?


  • Encourage your children to walk or cycle to school.
  • Break physical activity upto make it easier, for example a 10 minute walk to school, 20 minutes at the park and 30 minutes at an after school club = 1 hour.
  • Think outside the box. Make an obstacle course for your children in the garden or go on a scavenger hunt in the park. Make it fun!
  • Give your children a challenge. How long will it take them to run from A to B, find 8 different shapes of leaves in the park, or swim 10 lengths of the pool?

Click here for more information.