Whether you’re a member of a sports team, a Young Farmer, a Girl Guide or a crafty crocheter, whatever your hobby, we need you to fundraise for Cancer Focus NI – and help keep your club and community healthy.
Your club can unite against cancer by organising a fundraising event for us or by choosing Cancer Focus NI as your charity of the year.
Our fundraising team can provide hints and tips, PR support, balloons, banners, posters, flyers and lots of fun ideas.
If your club or society would like to organise a fundraising event for Cancer Focus NI, and chat about arranging a visit from our Keeping Well van , contact our fundraising team on 028 9066 3281 or fundraising@cancerfocusni.org.
“From first contact with fundraiser Emma McCann, everything was made so easy – supplying posters, banners, signs, balloons, sunscreen, goody bags and even selling tickets.

Hugh Doyle, Captain of Killymoon Gold Club, presents a cheque for £10k to Emma McCann, Cancer Focus NI
On the night, Emma explained about the care and support services, cancer prevention work and research that Cancer Focus NI provide with the help of everyone’s kind donations.
The Keeping Well van visited our golf club, giving members health checks and vital lifestyle information to lower their cancer risk.
My wife Maria and I were privileged to visit the lab at Queen’s University, part-funded by Cancer Focus NI, to see how the £10K we raised was being spent on research spearheaded by Dr Kienan Savage. We were humbled by his gratitude and to see at first-hand his commitment to the ongoing fight against cancer that affects so many families.”
Hugh Doyle
Killymoon Golf Club 2019