We have developed two specific programmes for delivery to students in Further & Higher Education.

Lifestyle Essentials
This session looks at nutrition, physical activity and avoiding overexposure to UV radiation. Students assess existing lifestyles, examine areas they wish to change and plan how to achieve this. Students develop/improve skills including self-awareness, visualisation, target setting, checking and self-assessment.

You Only Live Once
This cancer prevention session targets a range of issues including; tobacco, sexual health, alcohol consumption and sunbeds, linking to diseases including lung, cervical, bowel and skin cancer. We help students examine their attitudes and behaviours, helping them explore healthier alternatives.
A Cancer Focus NI officer will visit your place of education and deliver BOTH 45 minute programmes as many times as required over the course of one day. Therefore it is important to fill out ALL the fields.

Stop Smoking Support
Students can avail of our Stop Smoking Support service, offering one-to-one and/or group support to those who want to quit smoking (only available to colleges in the Belfast and South Eastern Trust areas) by contacting us on 028 9066 3281 or behealthy@cancerfocusni.org.