Well Aware for over 60s 
The Cancer Focus NI Well Aware service is aimed at the over 60s and is offered in a range of venues such as supported living schemes, residential homes and community groups right across Northern Ireland.
Well Aware sessions focus on raising your awareness of cancer and important signs and symptoms of the disease. They include free health checks which are carried out by an experienced nurse and, in some cases, may result in a referral to your GP.
The service aims to empower you to take control of your own health and to feel confident about going to the doctor if you have any concerns about cancer.
For further information on the Well Aware key cancer prevention messages for the over 60s, please click here for a short online elearning course.
Well Aware was a partnership with Choice Housing and was funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
To find out more about Well Aware, email keepingwell@cancerfocusni.org, or download our Well Aware Leaflet (for women) and Well Aware Leaflet (for men).
You can also call our free, confidential helpline on 0800 783 3339 and speak to a specialist nurse.
Click here for Healthy Tips for Over 60s.